They contain high amounts of essential oils omega-3 and omega-6, beneficial and necessary for the body. With them we will achieve better general state of the organism at various levels that we will detail below. But it doesn’t stop there, they also have another series of nutrients that we cannot ignore.
Olives are a natural source of vitamins A and C, necessary to maintain tissues in perfect condition and achieve perfect defenses against aggressions that come from the outside. To this we must add the contribution of thiamine, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The mineral contribution they provide us, especially iron and sodium, is very adequate to achieve good body levels. To this we must add how easy they are for the body to assimilate. To this we must add its contribution of fiber that will help us purify the body.
Olive Empeltre

This olive is harvested when it is already ripe from mid-November to the end of December…
Olive Arbequina

It is the small and tasty olive that has been cultivated for more than a thousand years in our regions El Priorat, Ribera d’Ebre and Terra Alta….
Olive Muerta

This olive has the difference in the production process, when harvesting it is exactly the same as the Empeltre.
Olive Sevillana

They are of the Caspe variety, with its unmistakable and soft bitter touch. It is harvested green during the month of September..